The Brülosophy Show: Impact Capping The Mash When Doing A Ferulic Acid Rest Has On A Dunkelweizen | exBEERiment

It’s been claimed that when performing a ferulic acid rest to accentuate clove-like character in darker styles, adding the roasted grains toward the end of the mash, referred to as “capping the mash,” can lead to better results. We performed an xBmt comparing two Dunkelweizens that underwent ferulic acid rests where the roasted grains were included in the full mash on one, while they were withheld until the end of the mash on the other. Could participants tell them apart? Let’s find out!


2 thoughts on “The Brülosophy Show: Impact Capping The Mash When Doing A Ferulic Acid Rest Has On A Dunkelweizen | exBEERiment”

  1. Please. Is it possible to have some sort of write up. People have been asking for a while now. Given all of the time it takes making videos it would be a small additional effort to provide text. At the very least a reply from Brulosophy regarding this issue seems overdue.

    [Apologies if I have somehow missed the reply]

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