The Brülosophy Show: FRESH YEAST vs. YEAST CAKE in a Vienna Lager | exBEERiment

Imagine you brew a batch of Vienna lager and split it into two. One half goes into a keg with yeast left over from a previous batch. No yeast harvesting or cleaning, just dump it right in. The other half? It goes into a clean keg with a fresh packet of the same yeast. Can you actually tell the difference between these two beers after fermentation? We put this to the test with 20 participants. Are these beers perceptibly different? Let’s find out.


1 thought on “The Brülosophy Show: FRESH YEAST vs. YEAST CAKE in a Vienna Lager | exBEERiment”

  1. I would like you do do a comparison with a recently made/ finished keg using the same exact recipe and yeast as the fresh one.

    I’ve tipped a fermenter yeast cake in to a new brew for four goes and not found an issue, but perhaps my palate isn’t developed to your level.

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