What’re We Here For? (Cal Common)

When my wife and I were dating, we’d sometimes go to the drive-in theater to catch a double-feature. I recall numerous times looking up and out the window, asking, “What are we here for, anyway?” This, my friends, is a recipe for California Common, also known as Steam Beer.

Packaging Volume: 5 gallons
Estimated OG: 1.053
Estimated SRM: 11
Estimated IBU: 43
Estimated ABV: 5.3%

Boil Time: 60 Minutes

8 lbs                    US 2-row (74%)
1 lbs 8.0 oz         Munich Malt – 10L (13.9%)
13.0 oz                Crystal 60 (7.5%)
6.0 oz                  Victory Malt (3.5%)
2.0 oz                  Pale Chocolate Malt (1.2%)

~31 IBU          Northern Brewer – Boil 60 min
26 g               Northern Brewer – Boil 15 min
26 g               Norther Brewer – Flameout (15 minute steep)

1.0 pkg               WLP810 – San Francisco Lager

– Mash at 152°F for 60 minutes (4 gallons)
– Sparge with 170°F water (4.75 gallons)
– Chill to 56°F prior to pitching yeast starter
– Ferment at 58°F for 4-5 days then ramp up to 65° over the next few days
– Cold crash for 48+ hours after FG is stable (10-14 days)
– Package, carbonate, enjoy!

All recipes are designed for 5 gallons of packaged beer (5.25 gallons into the fermenter), 75% efficiency on a batch sparge setup, 1.15 gallon/hour boil-off, Tinseth is used for IBU, fermented in primary only, all additions before 30 minutes are measured by IBU contribution (not weight), yeast starters are made using the BrewUnited yeast calculator, Irish Moss/Whirlfloc added at 15 minutes left in boil, some salts are added to my filtered soft water. Consider using quality software to scale these recipes to your system, I prefer BeerSmith. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

7 thoughts on “What’re We Here For? (Cal Common)”

  1. Just tapped this today. Fantastic! Also used gelatin for the first time and that worked like a charm. Love the site. I’m changing a lot of my old ways of doing things since becoming a regular reader. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  2. Can I ask what water profile you aim for with this beer? Thanks so much for your site, it has been super useful!

  3. A great recipe, I love very drinkable, a style nothing diffused here in Spain. With yeast Mangrove M54, very clean. To repeat for sure. Very balanced hops and malt.

  4. I know Marshall has said on a recent podcast that he uses filtered water (due to chlorine in his tap water) and adds a fair amount of Gypsum for an approx. ratio of 3:1 sulphate:chloride. He didn’t go into too much detail on the water profile but hopefully this is at least an indication for those asking. Cheers, Steve 😀

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